If you only read six advertising books, make them: Pick Me, Darling You Can't Do Both, Writing You Way Ahead in Advertising, The Belief Economy, Chew With Your Mind Open, and Hey Whipple Squeeze This

No presentations with titles like “Effective management thru visualization!”





No slides with lines like “follow your heart to creativity!”




No advice like “let your creativity sparkle brightly!” ever.





No fluffy non-speeches like “be more creative in three easy steps!”






No slides that say “creativity is courage.” Ever.





No cliches about “don't be afraid to try!”






My Books

Both “Hey Whipple” andHey Whipple, Squeeze This and Thirty Rooms
“Thirty Rooms to Hide In” are available on Amazon.


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Reach out to find out more.

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If you only read six advertising books

Recently, I got together with four of my advertising friends who are also authors of well-respected books on advertising. We made a series of videos to help students and juniors get jobs in the industry and maybe do better work. The 20-minute videos are all free, and cover issues from making your portfolio better to making the world better through smart socially-responsible advertising.

Joining me in this video book-club are:

David Baldwin, of Baldwin& in Raleigh, author of “The Belief Economy: How to Give a Damn, Stop Selling, and Create Buy-In.

Cameron Day, author or “Chew with Your Mind Open: Book One of the Advertising Survival Guide.”

Thomas Kemeny, author of “Junior: Writing Your Way Ahead in Advertising.”

Nancy Vonk, co-author of two books: “Pick Me: Breaking Into Advertising and Staying There.” And “Darling, You Can’t Do Both: And Other Noise to Ignore on Your Way Up.”

Ad Students’ Assignment: Write Headlines for The Onion

As a writing assignment, I ask students to pen headlines for The Onion. I made a first cut and then two advertising friends helped with final judging. Hope you like.


Grammar teacher corrects suicide note

Pedophile Worried He Might Be Priest

Study: Rubbing crying friend on back does nothing for them.


Holocaust museum adds fun new interactive experience.

Area Moth Complains Bulb ‘Too Bright.’


Remedial Latin Student Can Only Half Summon Satan.

2018 Flat Earther’s Conference to be held in Sydney.

Opinion: How Do We as a Country Reconcile the Fact My
Wife is a Total Fucking Bitch.

Science Says That It Really Do Be Like That Sometimes.

Army Pilot Sure He Parked Stealth Aircraft ‘Right Here.’

Meth is Back and Better Than Ever!

Lincoln Impersonator Shot.

Are Homosexual Male Relationships Sexist?

Proctor & Gamble Releases Chicken-Flavored Tide Pods.

Nation’s Dogs Wonder “Am I A Good Boy?”

Start Smoking in Just 5 days!

Cobb: “Never Expected Salad Thing to Work.”

Toyota Announces Prius to be Manufactured with Coexist
Sticker Painted On.

Woody Allen Set to Direct Next Movie in ‘Predator’ Franchise.

Women Not Flattered By “You’re Actually Really Funny”

Area Man Discovers Rows of ‘Books’ in Liberry.

Quad-Amputee Criminal Armed and On the Run.

Health Nut Won’t Just Buy Regular Fucking Bread.

Cats: Catching on to Laser Pointer Thing?

FDA Medical Marijuana Researchers Conclude ‘Fingers Essentially Little Legs for Your Hands’

Area Man Accidentally Calls 911 Instead of Mother During Masturbation Mishap.

Woman Projectile Vomits to Protest Catcall

Kanye Joins Family of all K’s. Co-inkydink?

President Moth Issues Statement: “I Did Not Have Relations With That Lamp.”

J.K.Rowling Reveals Hedwig Was Black

New Roommate Talks About Study Abroad Trip For, Like, Fucking Ever

Johnny’s Girlfriend Realizes Everyone Knows Her Only As “Johnny’s Girlfriend”

Man Who Constantly Skipped Leg Day Topples Over

Apple Farmer Complains Gravity Damaging Crops.

Post Impeachment, Trump Spends Summer ‘Crashing at Cody’s Place.’

Picture of Blake Lively Reminds Man He’s Not Full-on Gay.

White Girl Reportedly Huge Fan of Brunch

Area Man Weighs In With Opinion on Thing That Doesn’t Involve Him.

Dogs Protest For Higher Quality Homework.

Swim Meet Parent Holds Sign “Swim Fast or I’m Leaving.”

Mailman Frankly Shocked How Little Cash He’s Finding in Peoples’ Mail.

Michelle Obama: Still Pissed at Fat Kids.

Suggested Reading

There is no shortcut. This is how we learn it. Bit by bit.
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Luke Sullivan

Author, speaker, and ad veteran available to recharge, reinvigorate, and refocus marketing, advertising, and branding firms.

I give a hugely energetic series of presentations on innovation, creativity, branding, and marketing. I spent 32 years in the trenches of advertising (at agencies like Martin, GSD&M, and Fallon) and I’ve put everything I learned into my book, Hey Whipple, Squeeze This. But for me nothing beats taking the message out and speaking to living breathing audiences at clients, agencies, and conferences. You can book me on the button below.
