by Luke Sullivan | Oct 7, 2018 | Advertising, Creativity, Education
As a writing assignment, I ask students to pen headlines for The Onion. I made a first cut and then two advertising friends helped with final judging. Hope you like. GOLD Grammar teacher corrects suicide note Pedophile Worried He Might Be Priest Study: Rubbing crying...
by Luke Sullivan | Jun 5, 2017 | Advertising, Commentary, Creativity, Education
Harvey Nichols is a veddy upscale British department store that holds a door-buster of a sale every year. The discrepancy between this luxury brand and its annual Wal-Mart-stampede of a sale has been the inspiration for a long-running campaign I’ve admired for years....
by Luke Sullivan | Mar 12, 2017 | Advertising, Commentary, creative briefs, Creativity, Education
On Thursday, March 23rd, I am presenting a webinar about brand storytelling where I describe some of the very best ways I’ve found to create storytelling platforms. (Register here.) A big part of storytelling, of course, is establishing conflict. I...
by Luke Sullivan | Oct 10, 2016 | Advertising, Creativity, Luke Sullivan Speaker
The best creative director I ever worked for was the late Mike Hughes of the Martin Agency. One day we were talkin’ about the business and Mike said, “Just because you’re a great creative person doesn’t mean you’ll make a great creative director.” He was very clear...
by Luke Sullivan | Jul 9, 2016 | Advertising, Creativity, Education, Problem Finding
Back when I was a young knucklehead in advertising, we all knew the way to advance was to outwork everybody and dig up as much work as you could by walkin’ around and bugging the project managers for open job orders. (“Gimme a problem to solve. I’ll do a radio spot, a...
by Luke Sullivan | Jan 10, 2016 | Advertising, Creativity, Education
These days, Mark Fenske, is a bad-ass professor of advertising at the Brand Center at VCU in Richmond. But back when I was in the ad biz, Mark was a copywriter at Wieden + Kennedy and he was bad-ass then, too. (Digression #1: And when he wasn’t being a bad-ass...