by Luke Sullivan | Sep 3, 2021 | Whipple6
Concept for one screen, design for big screens, and optimize for small. That advice (above) is from Joshua Baze, a respected digital strategist. He goes on to say, “People consume media on big screens and snack on media in small screens.” An absolutely fabulous...
by Luke Sullivan | Sep 3, 2021 | Whipple6
For my money, a great spot is a joy to watch from beginning to end, over and over, because there’s something new to look for in each frame. This is the kind of commercial which racks up huge views on YouTube. You probably have your favorites. A recent favorite of mine...
by Luke Sullivan | Sep 3, 2021 | Whipple6
Big-ass spots are cool. They take forever to produce and you’ll likely be out of town on location or on a set for weeks. But when they finally air? Oh, man. As of this writing, one of the most awarded big spots is one for Volvo created, again, by Forsman &...
by Luke Sullivan | Sep 3, 2021 | Whipple6
TV is a visual medium, and it begs for visual solutions. Me? I happen to prefer visual over verbal approaches in any medium. I’m not the only one. There’s a whole school of thought that says: “Don’t talk at customers. Tell them a story with pictures. Start with...
by Luke Sullivan | Sep 3, 2021 | Whipple6
While mobile advertising is only a subset of mobile marketing, straight-up mobile ads can also be engaging. On YouTube, DDB Chicago posted a delightful vertical-only ad designed to be viewed on mobile for Starburst Swirlers – their first venture into the “rope-stick”...
by Luke Sullivan | Sep 3, 2021 | Whipple6
In another Facebook campaign, Auckland agency Colenso used Facebook’s friends in a campaign for mobile provider, Skinny. Given the size of the country, Colesno correctly figured “everyone knows someone who knows someone,” and created the Cannes-winning concept called...